रविवार, 31 मार्च 2013

BEST BLOG OF THE WEEK-चिट्ठा चर्चा

 BEST BLOG OF THE WEEK [31-3-2013 /7 -4 -2013]
इस ब्लॉग पर  यह सम्मान प्रदान किया जा रहा - चिट्ठा चर्चा  ब्लॉग  को 
 चिट्ठा चर्चा

Trophy_winner : First, second and third places 
 चिट्ठा -चर्चा परिवार को हार्दिक शुभकामनायें !

रविवार, 17 मार्च 2013



इस ब्लॉग पर  यह सम्मान प्रदान किया जा रहा -चर्चा मंच ब्लॉग  को     -shikha kaushik
Trophy_winner : First, second and third places

रविवार, 10 मार्च 2013

महावीर बिनवउँ हनुमाना -BEST BLOG OF THE WEEK

Trophy_winner : First, second and third places
महावीर बिनवउँ हनुमाना

इस ब्लॉग पर सर्वप्रथम यह सम्मान प्रदान किया जा रहा -महावीर बिनवउँ हनुमाना ब्लॉग  को .इस ब्लॉग के स्वामी  हैं - SHRI Vishwambhur Nath Shrivastav
मेरा फोटो  
इनका परिचय इस प्रकार है -
Popularly known as BHOLA my official name is Vishwambhur Nath Shrivastav. Now 83+, I studied at BHU Varanasii 1947-50 and NLC LONDON 1963-66 . Served in various capacities at Kanpur, Delhi, Bombay, Georgetown(Guyana), Cochin & Jalandhar from - 1951 onwards and retired from Indian Govt.Service in 1989 . Now living in the USA with my wife of the past 56 + years -Dr.Mrs Krishna (76+) ,enjoying the loving hospitality of our two sons and their very caring families. My self and my wife have similar taste. She has researched on RAMAYAN for her Ph.D.. We work jointly on our BLOGS which are the result of our joint efforts with a life long experience of true companionship backing us. Dont ask us about what we were in the past. Look to what we are now offering to you with HIS prompting ONLY. Hope U find these useful.
गृहस्थ संत - [ भाग २ ] - मार्च ६ , २०१३ - श्रेष्ठतम गृहस्थ संत हमारे ''बाबू" "माननीय शिवदयाल जी" श्री राम परिवार के आदर्श '' 

           भोला जी को हार्दिक शुभकामनायें 
                     शिखा कौशिक 'नूतन '